Monday 12 February 2007

What can i do?

Nothing!..i'm a little alone insignificant italian man...


Something!..i'm a man,alone,but i can convince other man and create a group,they will convince other man,the group will grow

but convince about what?about the end of the world?..neither R.E.M reach to do it!

and so...i can convince you to not use anything that use artificial power,but how can you trust me if i'm writing this from a pc, the symbol of power needing present? so it's not the right way...

i can convince my father to buy solar pannel! i live in sicily, the insland of the sun, so it is very useful...i will try this evening!

now that i think, my father is trying to convince me to not use car from many years, so a good way is also "listen other suggestion!"

the global warming isa caused by you?try to look around you,is there maybe something that,according to you,haven't contributed to the global warming? the answer is "we can't stop it" but a good proposal is "we can slow down it" i'm aware of this

in 2007 nobody can think that all the world can be stopped...but here there are 30 simple thing to do to ahve a future
let's try!

i'm for walk, before all.

so walk walk walk!

see you at the next ecological awareness step,bye!

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